How childhood trauma affects muscle function in old age

In the newly published study “Childhood adverse life events and skeletal muscle mitochondrial function[1], researchers could show how adverse events in childhood affect muscle function in later life.

Using data from the “Muscle, Mobility and Aging” study, 879 people over the age of 70 were tested for ATP production in their muscle cells. ATP is the energy that muscles use to work. It is produced by the mitochondria in each cell. Mitochondria can sense social stress and respond at the cellular level: these bacterial-derived organelles are known to change their function and shape when cells are threatened by physical or social attacks, resulting in extracellular ATP and reactive oxygen species – so-called free radicals. This reduces the working energy of cells and promotes inflammation and tissue aging. [2] [3]

Apparently, such reactions in muscle cells and their mitochondria later in life can be pre-determined by trauma in childhood: the more traumatic events in childhood were reported by study participants, the more pronounced the decline in cellular ATP in their muscles – which means less strength and faster fatigue. Other possible influencing factors such as age, gender, education, body mass index, symptoms of depression, smoking or physical activity were also taken into account, but these did not change the overall results. In previous studies, similar results were found for blood cells. [4] [5] [6]

These findings shed light on the mechanisms of the biological reactions and imprints known in META-Health to happen after social-psychological trauma. Adverse events in childhood lead to feelings of insecurity and helplessness in many people, which can trigger an inhibitory reaction in their autonomic nerves – a freeze or collapse reaction shown by a lack of energy. [7] [8] This unconscious survival strategy and the signals it triggers become a default pattern that affects all levels of biological functioning and health.

Further implications of this unconscious biology are cognitive in nature: our experiences shape our beliefs and expectations, our self-image and our values. Our psychological profile thus becomes a predictor of health challenges in the present and future.

Usually, the work of META-Health practitioners focuses mainly on the cognitive and emotional aspects of health, healing and disease prevention. According to these new findings, processing, renegotiating and transforming trauma and our reaction patterns to it is a prerequisite for optimizing the strength, mobility and resilience that we want to retain as we age!


Pictures: Pixabay users Gerd Altmann, SkieTheAce